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P51-3000-A-J-I12-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 3000PSI 3/8-24 UNF 4-20MA 询价
MG-5-B-MD-R Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 5 PSI 4-20 MA 1/8 NPT 询价
P-7100-103G-R1 Image P-7100-103G-R1 Nidec Components Corporation PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS WITH AMP. 询价
P51-200-G-D-I36-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 200PSI 7/16-20UNF 1-5V 询价
P51-1500-S-W-MD-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 1500PSIS 1/8 NPT 5V MINI 询价
P51-75-A-I-M12-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 75PSI 7/16-20 UNF 4-20MA 询价
P51-3000-S-R-M12-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 3000PSIS M12 5V 询价
P51-500-A-B-MD-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 500PSI 1/8-27NPT 4-20MA 询价
P51-200-S-D-I12-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 200PSIS 7/16 UNF 4-20 MA 询价
P51-3000-S-O-I36-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENS 3000PSI 7/16-20 UNF 2B 4.5V 询价
PPT2-0300DRK5VE Honeywell Aerospace PPT2 MV 5V 1FS -55TO110 300PSID 询价
P51-50-A-G-I36-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 50PSI 1/8-27NPT 4-20MA 询价
76071-00000020-01 Image 76071-00000020-01 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SWITCH PRESSURE D.C. 2 PSI 询价
PPT2-0100DXF5VE Honeywell Aerospace PPT2 MV 5V 1FS -55TO110 100PSID 询价
P51-1000-A-N-I12-20MA Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 1000PSI 1.2-20UNF-2A 20MA 询价
PX2CF1XX300PSCHX Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions HEAVY DUTY PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 询价
PPT2-0500GRR5VE Honeywell Aerospace PPT2 MV 5V 1FS -55TO110 500PSIG 询价
P51-50-A-G-I36-4.5OVP-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 50PSI 1/8-27NPT .5-4.5V 询价
P51-200-G-L-I36-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 200PSI M10-1.25 6H 4.5V 询价
P51-100-A-F-P-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 100PSI 1/4-18NPT 20MA 询价
PS85-102R-P2R2 Nidec Components Corporation PRESSURE SWITCHES 询价
P51-15-G-UC-M12-4.5OVP-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 15PSI 1/4-18NPT .5-4.5V 询价
P51-750-S-E-D-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 750PSIS 3/8 UNF 5V INPUT 询价
P51-200-S-AF-M12-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 200PSIS 9/16 UNF 5V 询价
P51-1500-S-AD-I36-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 1500PSI 7/16-20 UNF 4.5V 询价
P51-300-S-L-D-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 300PSIS M10 5V 询价
IPSLAT-G1000-5 Sensata-Cynergy3 PRESSURE TRANS 0-1KMBARG 4-20MA 询价
P51-500-A-D-I36-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENS 500PSI 22MM 7/16-20 UNF 5V 询价
P51-75-A-M-M12-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 75PSI M10-1.0 6G 4-20MA 询价
P51-300-G-R-D-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 300PSI M12-1.0 6G .5-4.5V 询价
P51-3000-S-B-P-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 3000PSIS 1/8 NPT 5V 询价
P51-500-S-AD-D-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 500PSIS 7/16 UNF 5V 询价
P51-100-G-I-I36-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 100PSI 7/16-20UNF .5-4.5V 询价
P51-75-A-L-M12-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 75PSI M10-1.25 6H .5-4.5V 询价
P51-100-A-F-I36-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENS 100PSI 5/8" 1/4-18NPT 1-5V 询价
P51-3000-S-Z-MD-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 3000PSIS 1/4 NPT 4-20 MA 询价
U5354-000002-002BA Image U5354-000002-002BA TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties SENSOR 询价
P51-50-S-AA-M12-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 50PSI 7/16-20 UNF .5-4.5V 询价
P51-300-G-AA-I36-4.5OVP-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 300PSI 7/16-20UNF .5-4.5V 询价
P51-100-A-U-MD-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 100PSI 7/16-20-2B 4-20MA 询价
P51-15-A-O-I12-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 15PSI 5/8" 7/16-20 UNF 5V 询价
P51-200-G-C-I36-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 200PSI M12-1.5 6G 1-5V 询价
P61-2000-S-A-I12-20MA-C Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 2000PSIS 1/4 NPT W/TEMP 询价
P51-500-S-C-I12-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 500PSI M12-1.5 6G .5-4.5V 询价
P51-1500-S-E-M12-20MA-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 1500PSIS 3/8 UNF 4-20 MA 询价
P51-75-G-AD-MD-5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 75PSI 7/16-20UNF 1-5V 询价
PPTR0010GP5VB-R016 Honeywell Aerospace TRANSDUCER PREC PRESSURE 询价
P51-200-A-T-D-4.5V-000-000 Amphenol SSI Technologies SENSOR 200PSI 7/16-20-2B .5-4.5V 询价
共有:26,501 个